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the new amecy games: Chess game #586 (patkirts vs. tom)

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  1 e4 e5   2 Nf3 Nc6   3 Bb5 a6   4 Ba4 d6   5 c3 Bd7
  6 b4 b5   7 Bb3 Be7   8 a4 Nf6   9 Bd5 Nxd5   10 exd5 Na7
  11 d4 exd4   12 axb5 axb5   13 O-O dxc3   14 Nxc3 c6   15 Bf4 O-O
  16 Qd2 cxd5   17 Nxd5 Bc6   18 Nxe7+ Qxe7   19 Bxd6 Qb7   20 Bxf8 Bxf3
  21 Ra3 Bxg2   22 Re1 Rxf8   23 f4 Bc6   24 Qd4 Nc8   25 Rg3 g6
  26 f5 Ne7   27 Re5 Ra8   28 Qb2 Rd8   29 fxg6

(You can click on an underlined move to show the board after that move.)

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