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All Tournaments

Tournament games are played with a time control of one week per move.

(This is the list of all tournaments. You can also see the list of active tournaments.)

ID Game Type Name Description Status Sign-ups
41 Toguz Kumalak Toguz Kumalak September 2021 Practice Tournament will start on September 6
1 (lucacerrato)
40 Hex (14 x 14) June 2020 Hex tournament will start on June 15 completed 2 (tom, fomalhaut)
39 Twixt (19 x 19) New Year's 2019 Twixt tournament will start on January 3 completed 0
38 Hex (19 x 19) New Year's 2019 Hex tournament will start on January 3 completed 0
37 Twixt (30 x 30) Big Twixt will start on October 6 completed 4 (Boredman, Peyrol, uhelatewa, lucacerrato)
36 Twixt (48 x 48) Huge Twixt will start on September 27 completed 4 (Boredman, ypercube, Carroll, uhelatewa)
35 Chess May 2018 Chess tournament will start on May 5 completed 2 (tom, prismsoul)
34 Phutball February 2018 Phutball tournament will start on February 17 completed 0
33 Amazons February 2018 Amazons tournament will start on February 10 completed 0
32 Connect6 February 2018 Connect6 tournament will start on February 3 completed 0
31 Twixt (24 x 24) January 2018 Twixt tournament will start on January 27 completed 2 (Boredman, Arducode)
30 Chess January 2018 Chess tournament will start on January 20 completed 2 (nytope, prismsoul)
29 Hex (18 x 18) New Year's Day 2018 Hex tournament will start on January 1 completed 4 (tom, Arducode, prismsoul, nytope)
28 Phutball December 2017 Phutball tournament will start on December 16 completed 0
27 Amazons December 2017 Amazons tournament will start on December 9 completed 0
26 Connect6 December 2017 Connect6 tournament will start on December 2 completed 0
25 Twixt (24 x 24) November 2017 Twixt tournament will start on November 18 completed 2 (honest1abe, Arducode)
24 Hex (14 x 14) November 2017 Hex tournament will start on November 11 completed 3 (Arducode, mombius, prismsoul)
23 Chess November 2017 Chess tournament will start on November 4 completed 2 (Arducode, prismsoul)
22 Phutball October 2017 Phutball tournament will start on October 21 completed 1 (tom)
21 Amazons October 2017 Amazons tournament will start on October 14 completed 1 (tom)
20 Connect6 October 2017 Connect6 tournament will start on October 7 completed 1 (tom)
19 Twixt (24 x 24) September 2017 Twixt tournament will start on September 16 completed 3 (Boredman, tom, honest1abe)
18 Hex (14 x 14) September 2017 Hex tournament will start on September 9 completed 6 (tom, prismsoul, Arducode, JKBKramer, Boredman, nytope)
17 Chess September 2017 Chess tournament will start on September 2 completed 2 (tom, Arducode)
16 Hex (19 x 19) tiebreaker for tournament #2 completed 2 (ypercube, tom)
15 Phutball August 2017 Phutball tournament will start on August 19 completed 2 (tom, gamehunger)
14 Amazons August 2017 Amazons tournament will start on August 12 completed 2 (tom, gamehunger)
13 Connect6 August 2017 Connect6 tournament will start on August 5 completed 2 (tom, Boredman)
12 Twixt (24 x 24) July 2017 Twixt tournament will start on July 22 completed 5 (tom, Boredman, fomalhaut, gamehunger, honest1abe)
11 Hex (14 x 14) July 2017 Hex tournament will start on July 22 completed 5 (tom, fomalhaut, gamehunger, prismsoul, Arducode)
10 Chess July 2017 Chess tournament will start on July 22 completed 5 (tom, gamehunger, honest1abe, prismsoul, Arducode)
9 Twixt (24 x 24) May 2017 Twixt tournament will start on May 6 completed
4 (tom, honest1abe, gamehunger, fomalhaut)
8 Hex (14 x 14) April 2017 Hex tournament will start on April 8 (for real) completed 7 (tom, prismsoul, fomalhaut, ypercube, JKBKramer, gamehunger, cootje)
7 Twixt (24 x 24) February 2017 Twixt tournament will start on February 4 completed 2 (tom, fomalhaut)
6 Amazons New Year's Amazons tournament will start on January 1 (naturally) completed 4 (tom, wurfmaul, fomalhaut, ketchuplover)
5 Chess the first Chess tournament will start on November 5 completed 7 (tom, prismsoul, wurfmaul, dashstofsk, patkirts, ketchuplover, elrucio)
4 Twixt (24 x 24) the first Twixt tournament will start on September 3 completed
5 (tom, fomalhaut, ypercube, wurfmaul, Peyrol)
3 Phutball the first Phutball tournament will start on August 6 completed
3 (tom, fomalhaut, wurfmaul)
2 Hex (19 x 19) big Hex tournament will start on July 1 completed 6 (tom, Giupiter, wurfmaul, fomalhaut, HappyHippo, ypercube)
1 Hex (14 x 14) the first Hex tournament will start on March 20 completed
5 (tom, Scrampy, ypercube, wurfmaul, Giupiter)

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